The FAQ is now live!

The FAQ is now live! Karen here, one of Brandon’s assistants. I’m usually in charge of continuity: making sure that little details, like the color of a minor character’s eyes or the shape of each kind of spren, are consistant from one book to the next. I also keep a master timeline so that…

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Arcanum Unbounded BYU Release Party

Arcanum Unbounded BYU Release Party On Tuesday, November 22nd at 7:00 p.m., I will be doing the world’s first signing for Arcanum Unbounded. Please note that this is not a midnight release, as we’ve done in the past, though there will likely be midnight release parties for future books, just not this time around. We’re using the Digital…

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Introducing Arcanum Unbounded

Introducing Arcanum Unbounded Hey, all. I’m still in Europe on tour. (I’ll be in Barcelona next, followed by Lisbon.) But I don’t want to get so busy with this and writing Stormlight Three that I forget to give you a heads-up on Arcanum Unbounded: The Cosmere Collection, coming out this month. When it became apparent that Stormlight…

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Italy! Lucca Comics & Games Festival This Weekend

Italy! Lucca Comics & Games Festival This Weekend I’ve mentioned this a few times, and you’ve seen this if you check my upcoming events page, but today through Monday I’m at the Lucca Comics & Games Festival in Lucca, Italy. I’ll be doing a lot of panels and signings, so I hope to see many of you there!…

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Warbreaker prologue reread + Writing Excuses on Elemental Drama

Warbreaker prologue reread + Writing Excuses on Elemental Drama In this week’s new Writing Excuses episode, Elemental Drama as a Sub-Genre, the Writing Excuses crew turns their focus on elemental drama. This can be tricky as it’s basically “character change,” and a great many stories use character change in some way—it’s almost ubiquitous. In this episode…

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Review of Goldenhand on Goodreads

Review of Goldenhand on Goodreads Goldenhand   Garth Nix (Note: For an explanation of my Goodreads policy, please see here.) For Writers The Short Version Rating Notes Bias Notes Anyone who hasn’t read Sabriel, the beginning of the Old Kingdom books by Garth Nix, is missing out. I consider reading it, during the years I was trying…

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