Sanderson’s Third Law of Magic

Sanderson’s Third Law of Magic We’re celebrating the release of Steelheart, my new novel! It’s out this week. If you missed yesterday’s post, you can read up on the book here, listen to the first five chapters of the audiobook here, and watch the trailer here. Please consider going to your retailer of choice and looking at the novel.…

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Brandon Sanderson Newsletter for September 2013

Brandon Sanderson Newsletter for September 2013 Hey, all! Brandon here, writing my own newsletter this time around. Just wanted to keep you up to date on what’s happening in the Sanderverse these days. Contents Steelheart is out today! Words of Radiance progress Steelheart Tour and Release Party Steelhunt and Blog Posts Welcoming Isaac and Kara…

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Steelheart Launch Day

Steelheart Launch Day It’s here! Steelheart is out! The trailer is here, if you haven’t seen it. Also, if you live in Utah, please come see me tonight at the Orem Barnes & Noble! 5–8:00 p.m., with signed and numbered copies. Yesterday I talked about the tour and the Steelhunt I’m doing along with it. Now, I’ve got to admit something to you…

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Introducing the Steelhunt

Introducing the Steelhunt Steelheart comes out tomorrow! If you live local to Utah, please consider coming to the launch party at the Barnes & Noble in Orem from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. All copies will be numbered and pre-signed, so you won’t have to wait in line unless you want a personalization. I would really like to see this…

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Infinity Blade videos, IB:III out today, & Letter to Robert Jordan

Infinity Blade videos, IB:III out today, & Letter to Robert Jordan First some updates. The Writing Excuses podcast had episodes on transitioning characters in prominence and on when fail happens in your career. This week I added some videos to my YouTube channel. First is a letter to Robert Jordan that I recorded for Google Play. Then there are some videos…

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Hugo Awards Comic & Video

Hugo Awards Comic & Video The Hugo Awards UStream page has posted the full recording of this year’s ceremony, with no pesky gaps from technical difficulties. You can find it here and it’s embedded at the bottom of this post. The entire ceremony is a celebration of science fiction and fantasy fandom featuring luminaries of the field,…

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STEELHEART book trailer & free 5-chapter sample ebook/audiobook

STEELHEART book trailer & free 5-chapter sample ebook/audiobook Random House has released their book trailer for Steelheart, and it’s pretty awesome! Check it out below. They’ve also released a 5-chapter sampler ebook (and Audible has a sampler audiobook) that you can see download links for here. (Ignore the text that says “Buy the Book”—it’s a free download.) Right…

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A question for my German and other foreign-language readers

A question for my German and other foreign-language readers If you haven’t seen the Steelheart book trailer, the prologue, or the teaser chapters (Chapter Ten and Chapter Eleven), please go give them a look! The release date is fast approaching, so think about preordering the book from your favorite vendor. Weller Book Works has a few signed & numbered copies left. You…

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Hugo Awards!

Hugo Awards! Everyone, I come to you today deeply humbled and appreciative. Over the weekend at Worldcon in San Antonio, I was honored with not one, but two Hugo awards. Though I’m thrilled to have Writing Excuses finally win after several years of losses, I’m beyond flattered to have been given a fiction award in…

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Infinity Blade: Redemption + Updates

Infinity Blade: Redemption + Updates Hey, all! I had an exciting time at Worldcon, as you might have heard. I’m working on a long blog post about the experience, and it will go up tomorrow. (Actually, be sure to check my site tomorrow regardless…) For today, though, I wanted to announce the release of my…

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