Photoshop Contest – Win a New Tor Book

Photoshop Contest – Win a New Tor Book By now you’re probably very familiar with the whole AmazonFail deal that has been going on. Today, Scalzi made a shout-out for author support. I think that was a fine thing to do. Most of the authors involved don’t care so much about ebook pricing either way.…

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Amazonfail 2010, Mythmaker Interview, Updates

Amazonfail 2010, Mythmaker Interview, Updates The big story over the weekend was that Amazon temporarily stopped selling all Macmillan books, which includes all my books from Tor, to protest Macmillan’s new ebook terms. There’s not a lot I have to add to this discussion, except to say that Tor’s publicity department thought the illustration accompanying…

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Writing Excuses on MP3 CD + Updates

Writing Excuses on MP3 CD + Updates This week’s Writing Excuses podcast is about How to Manage Your Influences—in other words, how to avoid letting other people’s work creep into your own. And if you enjoy listening to me, Howard, and Dan talk about writing, or want to catch up on our previous episodes, seasons…

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Superstars Writing Seminar in March

Superstars Writing Seminar in March I’ve been invited to teach at the upcoming Superstars Writing Seminar also featuring bestselling writers Kevin J. Anderson, David Farland, Rebecca Moesta, and Eric Flint, March 19th through 21st in Pasadena, CA. So many people ask me for writing advice and help with their work that I decided to say…

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Writing Excuses, Annotation, GoodReads

Writing Excuses, Annotation, GoodReads Just a quick and dirty update for today. In this week’s Writing Excuses podcast, the second episode of our new season, Dan, Howard, and I talk about heroism. And in the most recent MISTBORN 3 annotation I talk about eliminating metals. I really am taking questions over at GoodReads. I have…

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Today’s Signing

Today’s Signing As I posted earlier in the week, I’ll be doing a signing in Eagle Mountain today. The store is called Dragons and Fairy Tales Books and Games. It’s a fairly new independent bookstore. I have a fondness for little independent bookstores. I bought EYE OF THE WORLD from one all those years ago,…

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Signing in Eagle Mountain + Updates

Signing in Eagle Mountain + Updates This Saturday I will be signing at a recently opened independent bookstore in Eagle Mountain, Utah called Dragons & Fairy Tales Books and Games. It’s not listed on my events page yet, but there is an event listing on Facebook. Since the store is located in such a new…

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Mistborn Movie News

Mistborn Movie News I’m holding off on my regular Monday update until tomorrow in order to talk about the Mistborn movie deal press release that went out today and has popped up on a few genre news sites. When it comes to optioning my adult fantasy novels for the big screen, I’ve occasionally gotten nibbles…

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Hugo nomination season, GoodReads Q&A, Pat Rothfuss’s Worldbuilders charity drive, Updates

Hugo nomination season, GoodReads Q&A, Pat Rothfuss’s Worldbuilders charity drive, Updates This year’s World Science Fiction Convention (Worldcon) will be held in Melbourne, Australia from September 2nd through September 6th. Unfortunately, I won’t be in attendance since I’ll be going to Dragon*Con in Atlanta that same weekend. However, every year the members of Worldcon vote…

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