WITHOUT A SUMMER + Updates This week’s Writing Excuses podcast episode is called “Fake It Till You Make It” and in it Mary, Dan, Howard, and I talk about the things we do or have done to feel professional. Also, as I mentioned earlier this week, Writing Excuses has been nominated once again for the…

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THE EMPEROR’S SOUL Nominated for a Hugo Award!

THE EMPEROR’S SOUL Nominated for a Hugo Award! The nominations for the 2013 Hugo Awards were recently released, and I’m elated to announce that The Emperor’s Soul has been nominated for Best Novella. This is, quite frankly, awesome. It’s my first major award nomination in a fiction category. Alongside it, Writing Excuses has been nominated for Best Related Work for…

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2013 Convention Exclusive: Firstborn & Defending Elysium

2013 Convention Exclusive: Firstborn & Defending Elysium This year I’ll be going to several conventions—JordanCon, Phoenix Comicon, ConnectiCon, and SpoCon (among others not yet announced). Last year I started doing convention exclusives, which I’d been wanting to do for a while—something to make it worth the effort for people to go out of their way…

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Podcasts, STEELHEART & THE RITHMATIST Covers, Writing Video

Podcasts, STEELHEART & THE RITHMATIST Covers, Writing Video A couple new podcast episodes for you. This week’s Writing Excuses podcast episode is an in-depth discussion of “Deus ex Nauseum,” Howard’s bonus story at the end of Schlock Mercenary: Emperor Pius Dei. Also, on the Farland’s Authors Advisory Conference Calls, artists Isaac Stewart and Ben McSweeney (whose work has appeared…

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Stormlight 2 Video + Writing Excuses

Stormlight 2 Video + Writing Excuses In this week’s Writing Excuses podcast episode, Robison Wells joins us once again to talk about abnormal psychology. There are a lot of depths there to plumb for characterization, so check it out. My assistant has uploaded another Twitter posts archive. And there’s a new video up of me writing WORDS…

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Way of Kings ebook for $2.99, Giveaway, & Tor.com Reread

Way of Kings ebook for $2.99, Giveaway, & Tor.com Reread Today Tor.com announced they’re doing a reread for THE WAY OF KINGS. You can read the announcement here. Buy the $2.99 ebook here (DRM-free): Kindle (US)(CA) Nook iBooks (US)(CA) Kobo Dragonmount If you’re not familiar with Tor.com’s rereads, which they’ve done for The Wheel of Time and other…

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Writing Excuses & Writing Video

Writing Excuses & Writing Video Just a quick update today. This week’s Writing Excuses podcast episode is another brainstorming episode. This time Mary, Dan, and I help Howard brainstorm for a comic. Though apparently the end result was a failure! Check it out. I’ve also uploaded another video of me writing WORDS OF RADIANCE, the sequel to…

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Hugo Nomination Deadline + Signed Copies of AMoL

Hugo Nomination Deadline + Signed Copies of AMoL Below I have bookstore listings where you can find signed copies of A MEMORY OF LIGHT (and a few have THE EMPEROR’S SOUL as well). They will ship to you, so give them a call! This Sunday night is the deadline for nominating for the Hugo Awards,…

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Writing Excuses & Stormlight Archive writing video

Writing Excuses & Stormlight Archive writing video Just a quick post today. The newest Writing Excuses podcast episode is another where we sat down with Dan’s brother Robison Wells. This time we talked about writing and personal health. Give it a listen. For the fifth of my Stormlight Archive volume two writing videos, we were able to…

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Stormlight writing video & music + Updates

Stormlight writing video & music + Updates The most recent podcast episode of Writing Excuses features Dan’s brother Robison Wells talking with us about cliffhangers and icebergs—when it’s a good idea to leave people in the dark, and when it’s a bad idea. Check it out. My assistant Peter has uploaded another Twitter posts archive. This…

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